Agenda Annual Council Meeting 15th May 2023
Acting Clerk: Mrs J. Cooper
Rose Cottage
Asserby Corner Bilsby
Alford, Lincs
LN13 9QR
7th May 2023
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be the Annual Council Meeting, to be held at the Church Institute, South Elkington on Monday 15th May 2023 at 7.30pm – or immediately following the Annual Parish Meeting which commences at 7pm. You are hereby summoned to attend.
J. Cooper Parish Clerk
- Election of Chairman
- To receive Chairman’s Acceptance of Office and Members Acceptance of Office.
- Apologies for absence
- To receive any Declarations of Interests not previously recorded
- To receive notes of the ordinary meeting held 4th April 2023 and approve Chairman’s signature of those official minutes.
- To receive any updates from those minutes
- To receive any update from ELDC/LCC representatives
- Financial matters:
- To approve any payments due
- To note 22 23 Audit AGAR forms and agree Chairman’s signature of same:
- Certificate of Exemption
- Governance Statement
- Statement of Account
- To receive and note Internal Auditors report
- Correspondence
- To agree type of defibrillator, costs, delivery options, siting on Church Institute and supply of power to cabinet.
- To consider whether to purchase upgraded speed device
- Administrative Matters – to note current policies and agree any amendments to same:
- Standing Orders
- Financial Regulations
- Code of Conduct
- Risk Assessment
- Data protection
- Planning Policy
- Planning
- To receive and comment on any planning applications received (see below)
- To note any decisions received
- Any other Matters for general discussion/inclusion in next agenda
- Date of Next Meeting
N159/920/23 – Tudors Workshop, change use to dog day care centre and grooming parlour
(669/23 – The Brooms extension & 442/23 Muddy Paws Change use dog parlour to shop – circulated 23rd April)