Minutes 3rd September 24




Present: Cllr Williams (Chair); Cllrs Dobson, Nayak, Day, Jobe, Lacey & Gorwood

 Cllr Fry (ELDC representative)

Mrs J. Cooper (Parish Clerk)

There were no members of the public present.


14          APOLOGIES

                There were none


                There were none


                It was resolved that the Chairman sign these as a correct record of that meeting.

17          UPDATES        

                The Clerk confirmed Littlejohn Auditors had confirmed the Parish Council’s exempt from audit status.

                The Clerk read out e mail from ELDC Building Control following concerns at the stability of a local building.  Officers have inspected and it is not deemed to be unsafe.

                Cllr Lacey had tidied around the War Memorial and placed new gravel in the area.  He is also doing some of the grass cutting/hedge trimming whilst the current contractor is ill.  The Council wished to convey their thanks to him for doing this work on behalf of the village. 

                The situation regarding grass cutting to be looked at again in Spring 2025.

18          QUICKLINE HUB

                Cllr Nayak had contacted Mr Dobson and Mrs Jobe in order for them to liaise with Quickline regarding the installation of the free broadband hub in the Church Instituted building.  Quickline had been and surveyed the property.  Members wished to convey their thanks to Cllr Nayak for her work in securing a free broadband hub for two years.

19          ELDC/LCC UPDATES

                Cllr Fry advised that ELDC had not met during the summer, he had stepped down from the Executive Board following the election in May. He did advise that the new Government could potentially be stopping some of the existing Government Grants to local authorities, but may be looking at other grant options.  ELDC Cllrs will still have their £2000 local councillors fund.  There may also be some funding for rural parishes, along a similar line to Towns fund, to deliver improvements in rural areas.  ELDC still receiving full business rates in respect of the Tritton Knoll project, and confirmed ELDC were opposed to the National Grid pylons project although the council has not met to discuss it.

                There was no LCC representative.



                Cllr Lacey had volunteered to meet with Cllr Marfleet and the LCC highways team to view and discuss Acthorpe Road, however this was not taken up at the time of the Council’s site visit.  Some patching work had been undertaken.  It was agreed that the Council write to LCC to ask if further work is planned for the road under the LCC programme of works for redevelopment of roads.

21          FINANCE

                It was resolved that the following accounts be paid:

                Clerks salary & PAYE (June/July/August/September)                                            £335.64

                Reimbursement for gravel at war memorial                                                               £  50.00


                Clerks and Councils Direct

                Request to support a campaign for the safe disposal of Lithium batteries, it was agreed to email support.


                Cllr Jobe was confident that the Jubilee Commemorative tree was still holding its own.

                Cllr Lacey undertakes litter picks regularly in the area, but the worst area is the layby at the top of the hill.  Tyres had recently been dumped there, he had reported this.  It was agreed to look at installing some signage in that area, requesting drivers to respect the countryside and not drop litter.  Clerk to see if Keep Britain Tidy campaign had some suitable signs, and Cllr Lacey would look at some designs to have printed, and circulate to members for approval. 

                Cllr Lacey had also reported damaged chevron signs to Fix y Street.

                Concern was expressed at the charging of the speed sign, Clerk to enquire if it could be fitted with a solar panel. 

                Further concern at speeding along the main road between the village and Louth, Clerk to contact Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership to enquire about the speed van being in attendance and potentially a further archer survey to assess if the speed limits imposed were effective.

24          CHRISTMAS TREE

                The Clerk had been unable to contact Strawsons Christmas World, but would keep trying for the next two weeks.  Quote received from Fillingham Trees was expensive at £185 plus VAT.  It was agreed that the Clerk continue to try and obtain cheaper quote for the same sized tree from Strawsons, and if possible, and cheaper, to order.

25          NOTICE BOARD

                The lock on the board had broken again.  Inspire advised it was probably time for a new board as the wooden frame would be moving. 

                Clerk obtained prices of:

                Parish Notice Board Co:

                Aliminium lockable double board (takes 4 x A4 either side)                            £815.00

                Oak wood board same size                                                                                                  £1900.00

                Notice Boards Co

                Aliminium similar size                                                                                                              £1850.00

                Cllrs Jobe and Gorwood both felt they knew companies who would possible provide cheaper boards and would contact the Clerk with prices and sizes in time for a decision at the next meeting.

26          PLANNING

                There were no new applications or decisions.

                The Clerk had sent the Council’s response to the Eastern Green Link Scoping Opinion as circulated to members.


                Next agenda:

                Notice Board

                Litter Signs

                Speed device Solar Panel

                Budget/Precept setting

28          NEXT MEETING

                This was agreed at 3rd December 2024 @ 7.30pm


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.25pm