Minutes 6th December 2022



HELD 6th December 2022

PRESENT;  Cllrs Williams (Chair); Lacey; Gorwood; Day, Nayak, Jobe, Dobson

Mrs J. Cooper (Parish Clerk)

Cllr R. Fry (ELDC)


26           APOLOGIES

                There were no apologies


                There were none


                It was resolved that the Chairman sign these minutes as a correct record of the meeting.

29           UPDATES

                Minute 24 – Cllr Nayak confirmed the footpath had not been cleared, Clerk to report again

                Minutes 24 – Clerk had sent Elkington Parish Councils objections and comments regarding parking in Cornmarket and the “parklets”, it is noted that the parklets had been removed.  However there were no tables/chairs in Cornmarket and parking was still prohibited there.  It was felt that County Council members were not listening to residents and users of the town.


                There was no LCC representative

                Cllr Fry (ELDC) gave a brief update on the impending move to Horncastle, Tedder Hall and Skegness Town Hall had been sold, raising some £1.5m.  The move to Horncastle should take place in January, but many staff would still be working from home.  Cllr Fry advised that the new building was carbon neutral.  He also explained the position ELDC was in regarding its precept and the potential increase in precept requirement by the Internal Drainage Board, however ELDC was capped at a 3% increase to its tax payers.

31           WORKS TO A167              

                This work was continuing to resurface the road at the junction.  However, members felt a better use of resources would be to have installed a roundabout in that location. 

32           FINANCE

                a)            it was resolved that the following accounts for payment be paid:

                                clerks salary & PAYE (Oct/Nov/Dec)                                                         £246.99

                                Fillingham Trees                                                                                               £132.00

                                It was also resolved to make a contribution to Muddy Paws towards the cost of providing electricity for the Christmas tree and to sign the cheque at this meeting.

                                Muddy paws – electricity contribution                                                    £  25.00

                b)            Budget 23/24 year & precept

Members had been circulated a draft budget and following discussion is was resolved that the precept request for Elkington Parish Council remain at £2000.00


                Clerks and Council’s Direct – circulated

                The Clerk had forwarded several emails to members since the last meeting, including emails from Cllr Fry (ELDC) regarding his grants and LCC councillor update.

34           BROADBAND

                There was no further update on the status of provision of upgraded broadband, and it was agreed not to pursue this further at this time.




                 A new contractor had commenced work and carried out some tidying around the bus shelter and trimming hedge around the war memorial.  It was agreed to wait until better weather for any re-staining of the bench.  Cllr Lacey was thanked for his work in organising this.

36           PLANNING

                There were no new applications.

                Discussion followed on the status of the application for 12 Lodges at Thorpe Hall, which had not yet been determined.  The Parish Council had initially objected on road safety grounds, which still remained on the application file.  After further discussion is was agreed not to raise any further objections.


                Cllr Fry indicated that he still had some funding remaining, and an application for funding towards a replacement jubilee tree would be considered favourable.  An application could also include for funds towards the cost of repairs to the bench and bus shelter.  Costings to be obtained for both items and the Clerk to contact ELDC for the relevant forms to complete on line once these costings had been obtained. 

                Cllr Lacey was concerned at the overflowing bin outside Muddy Paws and asked if ELDC wold replace this with a larger bin, or provide a second bin.  Clerk to contact ELDC officers to see what the best options would be and whether ELDC would fund a replacement bin and that capacity existed in the collection round to empty a larger or second bin.

                It was agreed that the Clerk contact Interskill to obtain a price for repairs to the bench and bus shelter, details of the work needed to be sent to the Clerk.

                Cllr Lacey asked if the position regarding the recycle bins at the shop could be on the next agenda.

                It was agreed to report the state of Acthorpe Lane again.

                Next agenda:

                End of year accounts

                Election information

                Recycle bins at the shop.

38           NEXT MEETING

                This was set as 4th April 2023.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.35pm with the Chairman wishing all a Merry Christmas.