Minutes 12th December 2023


Minutes of the  Ordinary  Council Meeting held

12th December 2023


Present:  Cllrs Williams, Jobe, Day,  Lacey

Mrs J. Cooper (Parish Clerk)


36           APOLOGIES

                Apologies and valid reasons for absence were received from Cllrs Nayak, Gorwood and Dobson and these were accepted.

                Cllr Fry (ELDC) also sent his apologies.


                There were none


                It was resolved that the Chairman sign these as a correct record of those meetings.

39           UPDATES

                Christmas tree – the timer for the lights was to be adjusted.

                Jubilee Tree – Cllr Jobe advised it was still alive.

40           UPDATES ELDC/LCC

                There were no members present to give updates.

41           DEFIBRILLATOR

                Cllr Lacey had arranged for the box to be fitted, but the cabinet was not a locking type.  After discussion it was resolved that there was no need for a lock on the cabinet due to its location in a low risk area, and being unlocked it would allow quicker access if needed by users of the hall. Cllr Lacey to install the defib now the issue of the locking was resolved.  Thanks were given to Cllr Lacey for his work in organising the fitting of the defibrillator.  Discussion on holding a training session followed, Cllr Lacey to look at organising this with a local resident who is experienced in this.

42           QUICKLINE

                Work was progressing, the pole near the bus shelter had been erected.  Some properties in the village were already connected, Church Lane area was still waiting for connection work.

43           WAR MEMORIAL            

                It was noted that a car had demolished the surrounding chain link fence posts and trees.  Cllr Lacey had removed the damaged posts and chain link fence, and it was agreed he approach Interskill to assist in repairs to the posts and he would look atreinstalling.  Agreed parish Council will make recompense to any costs to him.

                It was also agreed that if possible the Council would contact the vehicle driver and ask for reimbursement.

44           FINANCE

                a)  Accounts for payment:

                It was resolved that the following be paid:

                Clerks salary & PAYE (Oct/Nov/Dec)                                        “251.73

                Fillingham Trees                                                                               £192.00

                Church Institute (23 year meetings)                                         £  75.00

                b)  Precept/24/25 year budget

                After discussion on the proposed budget prepared by the Clerk, it was resolved to request a precept of £2053.  The increase would cover a sum to be ear marked for defibrillator consumables.


                Cllr Davie e mail re: pylons – felt not affecting the parish

                Cllr Davie e mail re: County Devolution – noted

                Market Rasen/Louth Road speed restrictions – Clerk read out letter advising that due to time constraints it was necessary to re-consult on the proposal to lower the speed limit on sections of the A631.  Members agreed to support the proposal.

46           PLANNING

                Brackenborough Arms – variation of conditions relating to erection of chalets – conditions 6 (off road footway) and condition 7 (highway improvement works).  After discussion it was resolved to object to any variation as it was felt the conditions were imposed at the time of approval for valid reasons and should remain in place.

47           ANY OTHER MATTERS

                Drain at the layby on the main road/Church Lane junction was blocked, forcing water to flow along Church Lane.  It was agreed to report through Fix My Street.

                Drains on A631 and outside Thorpe Hall were also to be reported.

48           NEXT MEETING

                This was set at 5th March 2024.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.25pm